Updates (Page 9)

July 23rd (9:58PM)

So, today I decided to get an account on aforementioned bbs (Prism BBS). Dial-up really doesn't bother you much at 9600 baud, text-only. Does anyone know what a 14.4k modem will do if you tell it to use 19.2k? Now I really appreciate terminals that allow you to scroll up; It looks like some things are too much for one screen. The web interface for the bbs is a bit nicer, in terms of ability to navigate easily and see all the information, though. Looked up Verizon's residential plans at our number. I'm pretty sure that's we have, so no charge for anywhere in the US, which is good if I want to try somewhere else. Anyway, definitely interesting at the very least. I'm slightly stumped though on how to re-read messages marked read, if anyone would care to share some info on that. My actual project, as opposed to any retro thing, seems to be off the tracks. It seems that ASCII is not ASCII when it comes to Arduino (PC?) <-> Apple IIe. So, i'm not really sure what to do and time is running a bit low, not that it can't continue into the rest of the year. Will probably be busy with the "real" world today, so best of luck to my fellow competitors. Over and out!

July 27th (10:30AM)

Evidentially, it is over. I did however get my Palm V to work, which I acquired via TGIMBOEJ. It has been fun to play with, despite it's quite limited capabilities. I now feel that I ought to purchase a keyboard for it. I installed a number of apps on it including BigClock, FileZ (a file manager), PalmOrb (makes your Palm act like a Matrix Orbital serial display to lcdsmartie and other such programs), and SmallBASIC (the BASIC programming language for the Palm OS). Pity I don't have any ideas for interesting programs to write... What'd be really cool would be to get the Palm Linux Environment on it. Info on Palm V Over and out.

Last Updated: July 27, 2010
